Yevhen Sakara

10+ Year

Technical and business experience in the industry


engineers. The top 3% of specialists have been united in one team in 6 years

Yevhen Sakara

CBDO & Co-founder

The executive leadership at OmiSoft is being taken over by Eugene, a co-founder and expert in B2B and B2C sales. With over 6 years of international market experience, Eugene has worked with clients from more than 20 countries. As the head of the growth strategy and managing software developers for over 5 years, Eugene has successfully identified and pursued new opportunities, which led to expanding OmiSoft's reach and increasing its market share. Eugene enjoys guiding aspiring entrepreneurs and sharing his wisdom gained from personal experience and years of managing software development to create a brighter future together.

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Ordinals nft
Collectible NFT: Ordinals A Step Into The Future

Until recently, we have seen the rise of NFTs mainly in such popular blockchains as Ethereum, Solana, and BNB Smart Chain. Ordinary NFTs or digital artifacts, as they are also called, have conquered the world. Ordinals has created another interesting and effective way to use bitcoin beyond just transferring value by making bitcoin NFTs a reality.  In this article, with...

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Technological trends in healthcare
HealthTech Trends: Key Novelties in 2023

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GPT technology services
Benefits Of ChatGPT Integration For E-commerce Customer Service

Tools like ChatGPT are revolutionizing the way e-commerce businesses provide customer service. With its AI-powered natural language processing capabilities and human-like conversation functionality, ChatGPT enables businesses to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty while reducing costs. And these benefits are only the tip of the iceberg! Read on and learn how to get the most out of products like ChatGPT for...

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car Insurance App
Insurance App Development Progressive | Telematics

Have you ever considered how Insurance App Development could potentially revolutionize the car insurance industry and make the experience of buying insurance less of a necessary evil and more user-friendly? As technology continues to advance, do you think insurance companies will start investing more in app development to improve the customer experience and make car insurance more appealing to the...

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Pi cryptocurrency
Pi Cryptocurrency | Mine Crypto On Phone

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Reduce it costs during the crisis: strategy selection, risks | OmiSoft
Best Ways To Effective IT Cost Cutting

In today's economic fluctuations, the stability of financial flows is a serious problem for a large number of entrepreneurs. In addition to resorting to loans, many are trying to save money. Let's take a look at the best way to cut IT costs for your business. Scroll below and you find out: how to choose the right cost reduction strategy;...

Yevhen Sakara

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OpenAI GPT-3 applications: examples and how ChatGPT is used in the real world | OmiSoft
OpenAI GPT-3 Applications: Examples And How ChatGPT Is Used In The Real World

Artificial intelligence is taking over the world. Every day it is used in new industries. Many scientists in this field believe that many industries of life will be automated just thanks to AI and then human intervention will not be needed. In this article, we will talk about GPT-3. This is a popular artificial intelligence that processes language, which was...

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Case studies or examples of successful NFT projects | OmiSoft
NFT Development Projects: How to Achieve Success for Your Product?

NFTs have gained significant popularity over the past year. Effective NFT marketing is a process of trial and error because there is no way around it. However, a practical case study on NFT marketing will definitely become a real friend for beginners. It will speed up the process of building the right strategy for promoting your product. In this article,...

Yevhen Sakara

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online learning applications
Ideas For Online Learning Applications In 2023: Prospects, Opportunities And Benefits

 The digital world is stepping forward every day. How many unique concepts of learning app has already appeared and how many more will appear... Such changes are due to the growing demand for distance learning and change not only for students but also teachers. The "trend" for all this was set most of all by Covid-19 and all its quarantine...

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App Like Netflix
How To Build An App Like Netflix?—Streaming Service Development 101

Let’s start with a little trip down memory lane, when everything started in 2007, when Netflix, an unheard-of DVD-by-mail service, took video streaming technology and hit the jackpot. And nowadays it nor a surprise that it’s a leader in the niche with 223M users worldwide. Netflix has attracted a huge audience with its original content by allowing users to both...

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App for Ecommerce
6 Benefits of Having an App For Your eCommerce

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