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Software outsourcing companies

Software Outsourcing In Ukraine—Pros, Cons, Tech Stack, Costs | OmiSoft
Software Outsourcing In Ukraine—Pros, Cons, Tech Stack, Costs

IT is one of the fastest-growing and most economically important industries in Ukraine. Many people refer to it as the “driver-force” of the economy, so it’s not surprising that top software development outsourcing companies in Ukraine are growing as well. The 1st quarter of 2022—the export of the Ukrainian IT industry provided a record $2 billion in revenue, despite all...

Dmytro Romaniuk

11 min read

Software Outsourcing vs Product Development Team – What suits you? | OmiSoft
Software Outsourcing vs Product Development Team – What Suits You?

Have a mind-blowing idea for a new product and want to find your dream team to make it live? To present a new product or service to the world you need specialists from all areas of full-cycle product development, who can put your great ideas into action. Building a dedicated software team is a rather challenging process, that can be...

Nataliia Zaiets

7 min read