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Nft Case Study: How Omіsoft Create a Collection of NFTs

NFT Collection main

7000 NFTs

personally generated

600 +

character traits developed


combinations created

8 people

in the development and support team

Project Overview

NFT Collection 2

Industry: Blockchain

Client Location: usa USA


Custom NFT platform with user-centric UI/UX, implementation of a CDN, and adding a mini-game to engage users

Pain points / challenge:

backend customization, integrating redirects through DigitalOcean (DO) Apps, optimization of content delivery

Services used:

Business Challenge

NFT Collection 3

Main Challenge

Our client, a travel and blockchain enthusiast, came to us with a dream idea of an NFT collection and creating an engaging community of like-minded people. During this interesting white-label NFT marketplace development project, our NFT development team faced several challenges:

Backend customization

There was a challenge with the backend implementation of custom controllers, which slowed down the development of original NFT features and attributes.

DO Apps integration

Another challenge was the integration of redirection through DigitalOcean Apps, which caused issues for user experience.

Content delivery optimization

Setting up a Content Delivery Network (CDN) was vital, but the challenge was meeting the creator’s specific needs for trait pairings and rarity distribution throughout the NFT collection.


NFT Collection 4

In the beginning

OmiSoft stepped up, offering a full package of NFT development solutions that met the client’s requirements

Custom NFT platform development

We built a customized white-label NFT platform using cutting-edge technologies like Next.js, SSG, Strapi, and ERC721A, guaranteeing the deployment of custom NFT controllers and perfect integration with the blockchain.

Client-centric UI/UX

Our skilled product design team created an amazing UI/UX for the white-label NFT platform that improves the entire user experience. We followed all the specific demands the client had for trait pairings and rarity distribution.

Improved content delivery

The adoption of a CDN dramatically improved media content download, benefiting both developers and end users. We also had a creative idea of engaging users; we developed a mini on-site game.

Tech Stack used















Business Results

We’ve built a captivating landing page with this project, laying the groundwork for an exciting NFT collection release with limitless possibilities. The focus of our NFT development solutions extended beyond financial achievement to delivering joy to our client and their partner by making their NFT dreams a reality. The site we created in close collaboration with our client serves both as a business card and a gateway to the NFT world. Our innovative generative art generator not only increases user engagement but also opens the door to future marketing campaigns and collections. While we wait for the big NFT collection release, you don’t need to. Your idea might be the next to come true. Work with OmiSoft for next-level NFT marketplace development!

NFT Collection 5


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