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AWS Cost Optimization - Enhanced Operational Efficiency

1 (2)

7 Peopleeople


25 %

Increase in Data Accuracy

45 %

increase in System Agility

20 %

Decrease in AWS Expenses

Project Overview


Industry: Cloud

Client Location: usa USA


The client struggled with managing complex discount solutions and efficiently migrating users due to inadequate existing systems. This led to inefficiencies, difficulties in data integration, and challenges in providing customized client experiences.

Pain points / challenge:

OmiSoft delivered a streamlined Client Portal with automated discount calculations and user status tracking, along with an Amazon AWS cost optimization. This solution enhanced operational efficiency and client experience while reducing reliance on third-party services.

Business Challenge

Снимок экрана 2024-07-18 в 21.37.14 1

The client was facing significant challenges in managing their complex discount solutions across a diverse client base. Their existing systems were inadequate for handling the intricate requirements of both current and prospective clients, leading to inefficiencies and a lack of streamlined communication. This gap in functionality was impacting their ability to provide customized discount structures, which were essential for maintaining competitive advantage and meeting client needs effectively.


Recognizing the limitations of their current infrastructure, the client sought professional help to develop a robust Content Management System (CMS) and a comprehensive Client Portal. They needed an AWS cost advisor that would not only address their current discount management challenges but also scale with future demands. The goal was to create a more agile and user-friendly system that could seamlessly handle complex discount structures and improve overall client engagement.

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To address the client’s challenges, OmiSoft developed a comprehensive solution that included a streamlined migration process to our Client Portal and Amazon AWS cost optimization. This migration was designed to be as smooth and stress-free as possible, ensuring minimal disruption for users and enhancing their overall experience. The new portal was equipped with advanced features for managing complex discount solutions, allowing for efficient customization and better client interactions.


In addition, we tackled issues related to integrating and gathering data from AWS services, which was crucial for maintaining data accuracy and operational efficiency. Our innovative security data solution further strengthened the system’s integrity, safeguarding sensitive information against potential threats. We also reduced AWS costs by decreasing reliance on costly third-party services, resulting in more cost-effective operations and improved financial management.

Tech Stack used





Express js


nodejs 2


Business Results

With the implementation of OmiSoft’s solution, the client’s business experienced significant improvements in operational efficiency and client satisfaction. The introduction of user status tracking for administrators provided enhanced visibility into user activities and system performance, enabling more effective management and timely issue resolution. AWS cost control best practices streamlined the process for each client, reducing manual effort and minimizing errors, which in turn led to more accurate and personalized discount offerings.

Additionally, our development of an automated onboarding process, facilitated by a method to check AWS status, greatly accelerated user integration and setup. This automation not only improved the speed and accuracy of client onboarding but also contributed to a smoother transition to the new Client Portal. Overall, these enhancements resulted in a more efficient system, reduced administrative overhead, and a better user experience, aligning with the client’s strategic goals and enhancing their competitive edge in the market.

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