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NFT Minting Development: Use Case For Web3


5 people

on the development team

5555 NFTs

unique NFTs

1 month

to develop from scratch

+ 30 ETH

saved on OpenSea royalties

Project Overview


Industry:  Blockchain / NFT / Web3

Client Location: caselogo5 USA


Our team created a fully functional landing page with animations, provided NFT virtual art gallery development, and ensured the ability to mint NFTs.

Pain points / challenge:

Creating a landing page and mobile adaptation, as well as UI/UX design, in a short timeframe

Services used:

Business Challenge


Creating a landing page and mobile adaptation

Throughout the NFT minting website development project, our client faced some major business challenges. To get started, building a captivating landing page and ensuring its smooth mobile adaptation were significant challenges.
With the increased popularity of mobile devices, it was critical to optimize the user experience for smaller displays while maintaining the aesthetic appeal and functionality of the web page.

Short development time frame

The project had a short time limit, which added a new level of complexity. To meet the client’s needs and launch the website on time, it was critical to strike a balance between quality and speed.

Creating UI/UX design and mobile animations based on client-provided illustrations

While the customer provided visuals, our team was in charge of creating the UI UX web design and executing mobile animations. To build an engaging and visually striking site, we needed to pay great attention to detail, understand the client’s goal, and match it with current design concepts.

Ensuring ways to scale up

The client’s desire to further develop the site made it necessary to create an admin panel, a content management tool, and an efficient backend infrastructure. These components were critical for the minting platform’s successful administration, growth, and extension, as well as for guaranteeing a smooth user experience and supporting optimal content control.



In the beginning

To address the challenges, our team provided a comprehensive solution covering design and development aspects.


Our talented design team made mockups that accurately represented the client’s concept. The dynamic landing page for the new NFT collection was created to represent the client’s vision of promoting feminism and female energy. Animated components were used to increase interaction and successfully deliver the main message.


The concept was brought to life by OmiSoft’s development team, which created a functional landing page. The page had smooth animations, an NFT gallery, and the option to mint NFTs directly on the site. This lets visitors navigate the collection, interact with the content, and create their own.

The client got a visually appealing and engaging landing page that showed their NFT collection. The introduction of animations, the NFT gallery, and minting features increased user interest and created an engaging experience on the site.
Our NFT minting platform development company’s solution addressed the needs of the client successfully, resulting in an online platform that was in line with their goals and aspirations in the competitive NFT industry.

Tech Stack used









Smart contract

Smart Contracts



nodejs 2


Digital Ocean

Digital Ocean

Business Results

Our solution helped our client achieve meaningful business outcomes in the NFT market. We launched an amazing MVP in less than a month by setting priorities and organizing development. Technical activities, such as setting up AWS, implementing CI/CD, and utilizing Cloudflare to defend against DDoS assaults, created a strong basis for future product scaling.

The client was given detailed technical documentation that allowed for efficient platform management and improvement. Our solution established us as a reliable partner for prospective clients looking for cutting-edge solutions for web3 app development while enabling quick launch, scalability, and security.



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