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Messenger App Development That Brought +280% Users

Group 427318797 Visit website
Group 427318796

$ 2500000

investments were attracted

3 months

to stabilize the product

+ 280 % users

to simultaneously utilize the app

- 92 %

reduced AWS infrastructure costs

Project Overview

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Industry: DeFi

Client Location: caselogo4 Ukraine


Our outstaff team provided software development services which stabilized the mobile app and the server, optimized processes with CI CD implementation, and executed MVP architecture pattern

Pain points / challenge:

Providing development service & quality assurance to speed up the launch time while maximizing the product potential using CI/CD pipeline implementation

Services used:

Business Challenge

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Main Challenges

DefTalk, a badass messaging app, presented our team with a number of challenges. Our experienced, dedicated development team worked hand in hand with the client’s developers to help navigate these challenges.

We needed to restructure the old code, squashing a ton of pesky bugs and enhancing the app’s and server’s stability. Also, CI/CD implementation and execution of the MVP architecture pattern added an extra level of difficulty.

Making Product Stand Out

Another challenge was making DefTalk stand out in a sea of similar products. So we teamed up with the client’s team, working together to create some unique features for that time, like:

  • Media sharing
  • Animated stickers
  • Audio calls

The challenge here was to maintain quality assurance while making sure that all MVP features only enhance the user experience and don’t challenge it.

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In the beginning

OmiSoft stabilized both mobile applications and the server, making it ready for the launch. We worked on developing a strong CI/CD tool to shorten development cycles. We also used the MVP architectural pattern, which helped with scalability and future upgrades.

Project Breakthrough

We combined Crashlytics, Basic Analytics, Fabric Logger, and Firebase Performance Analytics to monitor and optimize performance, allowing for exact performance tracking along with significant insights. With their broad knowledge and years of experience, our team of expert developers made major improvements to the project. Also, we did unit and integration tests for the backend as well as smoke regression test cases to make sure that the product was fully ready for launch.

Tech Stack used




WebRTC audio calling


Native iOS development


Native Android development

Business Results

Business Results

OmiSoft’s expertise and strategic support produced outstanding commercial outcomes for our client. Our experts were critical in getting the DefTalk chat software ready to meet the market.

Our outstaff services resulted in:

  • A market-ready app launched on time
  • $2,500,000 investment attracted: The competitive messenger and application readiness attracted a substantial investment.
  • +280% increase in simultaneous users
  • Reduced AWS costs by 92%, improving profitability.

These excellent results highlight OmiSoft’s solid value, allowing the client to develop a ready-to-launch product, attract substantial investment, enhance user capacity, and manage operating expenses for long-term success.

Want to get even better results? Outsource software development & testing services to OmiSoft!

Group 427318799


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