blockchain forking
Blockchain Dev Review — Forking to Create A New Cryptocurrency

Every blockchain engineer has wondered how to pick a suitable blockchain platform, that will be a perfect fit for the project implementation. But how to decide if modern blockchain development provides such a big diversity? Different business industries call for various ways of forking the blockchain for growth. But the process needs tech adaptation depending on the niche. That’s why...

Dmytro Romaniuk

4 min read

Scale Your Business With Digital Transformation — Pro Tips On Product Launch | OmiSoft
Scale Your Business With Digital Transformation — Pro Tips On Product Launch

Before looking for a software product development company, it is important to understand that when it comes to launching the software, a product launch for an existing business and launching a startup are very different, although they have a lot in common. In the first case, the product must complement an already commercially successful business, automate certain processes, and help...

Yevhen Sakara

6 min read

Dedicated team vs In-house team — New IT Department Cost Rundown - OmiSoft
Dedicated Team vs In-House Team — New IT Department Cost Rundown

Any business when growing faces the issue of digitalization, scaling, automation… That said, IT needs appear and they need solutions. At this stage, a dilemma usually arises, which is better — to start forming an in-house team or to use the services of a dedicated development team, aka to hire an already existing team. And it is often quite difficult...

Yevhen Sakara

7 min read

tutor finder apps development | OmiSoft
Cost of the Tutoring App Development

A successful business needs to adapt to market realities. And the reality of 2022 is in that typical millennial mindset of “I want it now”. People don’t want to wait and waste time to fill the craving in any sphere of their life. That results in the outburst of ideas for on-demand business startups. And education on-demand thought tutor finder...

Yevhen Sakara

8 min read

App Like Uber
How to Create an App Like Uber: Guide From Leading European Companies?

Tips & Hints: How to Create an App Like Uber in 2021 Big city life is impossible to imagine without rideshare services like Uber. You have probably already heard about it as it has got a real triumph by giving an opportunity for efficient and low-cost rides. Before 2019, the company accumulated more than $10 billion and was placed in...

Yevhen Sakara

9 min read


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