Best Ways To Effective IT Cost Cutting

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In today’s economic fluctuations, the stability of financial flows is a serious problem for a large number of entrepreneurs. In addition to resorting to loans, many are trying to save money. Let’s take a look at the best way to cut IT costs for your business. Scroll below and you find out:

  • how to choose the right cost reduction strategy;
  • how to make cost reduction effective;
  • how to reduce the risks of excessive cost cutting;
  • cost reduction examples;
  • how to choose an IT company that can provide additional savings.

Here we go!

Realizing the benefits of cost reduction through technology strategies during a crisis

Cost cutting is a set of measures taken by companies to reduce costs and increase profitability. They are implemented during times of financial difficulty or economic downturn, or if the company’s management senses impending profitability problems.

Technological cost-cutting strategies increase productivity, speed, ease of information exchange and storage, reduce human errors through automation, etc. All these benefits lead to a lower cost structure and increased business revenues.  

Maximizing ROI: How Eastern European Companies can Help you Cut Costs

Such Eastern European companies will quickly and efficiently develop a professional cost-cutting solution for your business. 

If you need a self-managed, specialized team of engineers with full project involvement. Contact us if you want to learn more about what outsourcing by OmiSoft can offer.

Real-world Examples: Successful Technology-based Cost-cutting Strategies

Open source software Open source software eliminates both the upfront and ongoing costs of purchasing and maintaining software.  
Cloud server  Storage and hardware no longer need to be on-site, and since resources are used only when needed, the cost of renting can be significantly lower than the cost of ownership.  
Invest in automation Cut IT costs by investing in process automation. Instead of doing a lot of manual work, automating it once and for all can save you significant money on labor costs.
Use best practices from the start Using quick coding or programming methods instead of following best practices, such as user testing and code review, can lead to costly problems when a critical business application goes down.
Outsource software development Switching to software development outsourcing can help you cut IT costs and get high-quality work at a low hourly rate.

Navigating a Crisis: A Roadmap for Business Owners and Investors

A roadmap for business owners and investors includes key milestones, goals, deliverables, and tasks to avoid confusion going forward.  

An important step in a business plan is to define a vision, mission, and strategy. Planning the vision and structure of your business will help you determine what actions you need to take and make sure they are all aligned with your goals and objectives.

Why is Eastern Europe the Ideal Location for Technology-based Cost-cutting Strategies?

Outsourcing to Eastern Europe has become a popular topic among companies looking for skilled professionals and a cost-effective software solution. The value offered by these countries matches the needs of a North American or Western European company and meets their needs – at a fraction of their cost. If you want to learn more about the prices of the services of the leading Eastern European company, then go to our article about it!

Expertise at Your Service: Eastern European Companies’ Advantages in Cost-saving Measures

  1. A qualified talent pool

Highly qualified in IT and software development. This is a welcome change, given the shortage of IT professionals and developers in the US and Western Europe. English is also widely spoken in the region and used at a high level. This will help facilitate communication and project discussions.

  1. Cultural similarities

This alignment helps to streamline workflow, improve vendor management, and reduce misunderstandings that can be costly.

  1. Access to Innovation

The potential for innovation is a key reason for outsourcing in Eastern Europe.


The average salary in Eastern Europe is low, but the quality of work is higher. As a result, outsourcing to CEE saves American companies up to 40%. According to Accelerance, the cost of in-house developers is higher than that of outsourced ones. Accordingly, the pricing policy of such companies is “price=quality”. This is the main advantage of Eastern European Companies.

Case Studies: How Eastern European Companies have Helped Other Businesses Survive Crises

The crisis is a difficult period for any developing company. Eastern European Companies have helped many businesses survive the same terrible crisis. As an example, during the COVID-19 pandemic, all cinemas were closed due to quarantine regulations, and it was definitely not easy for the owners of such businesses. This is where the process of creating paid online cinemas began, which at least somehow raised the profits of entrepreneurs.  

Maximizing Efficiency, Minimizing Expenses: The Intersection of Technology and Cost-cutting

Cost-benefit analysis This will help you understand what you can cut in your costs. Thanks to the analysis, you will build a complete picture of your budget.
Carefully select resources for projects You need to avoid over-resourcing – more staff than the project requires will increase costs without necessarily improving customer satisfaction or generating commercial benefits.

Under-resourcing – too few staff than the project requires – and you may realize initial savings in salaries. But at what cost to the project?  You may incur large losses. 

Measure costs consistently When creating a cost model, it is important to use a consistent way to measure costs across all resources. This will introduce consistency, and CFOs should have a clear understanding of the formulas they use to calculate key business metrics. 
Decisions based on ROI, not price Minimize costs and you maximize profits. What many companies fail to realize, however, is that the most important factor in this equation is not necessarily price, but return on investment (ROI).
Have a change control process in place The change management process is an important point for project businesses. When your organization manages multiple projects – and team members are working on several at the same time – changes to one project can have implications for the others.
Prioritize quality over quantity Prioritizing quality over quantity is a cost control strategy that creates a vicious circle of business benefits.
Automate wherever possible Experienced business leaders know that digitization and automation increase efficiency – both in terms of productivity and costs.

East meets West: How Eastern European Companies are Changing the Game for Cost-saving Strategies

The low cost of development or professional IT solutions is a fundamental difference and competitive advantage for game developers in Eastern Europe. It is about three times lower than in the United States.

In the field of mobile games, Eastern European developers can currently be on a technical level with their Western counterparts. This is because, unlike console games, they already have several years of experience and familiarity with the technology. As the mobile gaming market is developing rapidly and, at the same time, is relatively dispersed and influenced by different business models, it is currently difficult to assess the position of Eastern European developers in this market. They reduce the cost of developing or maintaining a project, and the quality remains high.

Investing in the Future: How Technology-based Cost-cutting Strategies can Help your Business Thrive

To understand which cost-cutting strategies can help your business thrive, you need to consider many different factors. Among them are automated budget management and control, the qualifications and the number of employees in the company, advertising implementations, and most importantly, a specialized team of engineers. They will analyze your business and develop solutions to reduce your costs. 


Many companies have already implemented strategies to save IT costs during the crisis. It is important that they are not ad hoc and spontaneous. Executives and managers should collaborate with other stakeholders to develop effective ideas for reducing IT costs that are tailored to the specific business scenario. To cut costs quickly, companies need to take timely and well-planned action. They will not only save the life of the business but also position it to succeed in the new reality.Do you need help cutting costs for your project? Our experts will be happy to advise you!

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