ICO development

Blockchain Essentials To Keep In Mind | OmiSoft
Blockchain Essentials To Keep In Mind

When choosing which blockchain to fork in order to start your own cryptocurrency, there are a few key points you can consider. Our blockchain development company can help you decide which platform is best for building your custom cryptocurrency integration. These 5 aspects are essential in choosing the best solution for blockchain development: Consensus model Smart contracts Masternodes PTS DAO...

Dmytro Romaniuk

2 min read

blockchain forking
Blockchain Dev Review — Forking to Create A New Cryptocurrency

Every blockchain engineer has wondered how to pick a suitable blockchain platform, that will be a perfect fit for the project implementation. But how to decide if modern blockchain development provides such a big diversity? Different business industries call for various ways of forking the blockchain for growth. But the process needs tech adaptation depending on the niche. That’s why...

Dmytro Romaniuk

4 min read