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From $12K to $2-3K—AWS Cost Reduction

Group 1000001361

$ 10000

AWS expense reduction

56 %

efficiency optimization

100 %

client satisfaction rate


people team

Project Overview

Group 1000001362

Industry: Cloud

Client Location: usa USA


AWS cloud cost optimization in a short time frame, high database and server loads, especially CPU usage

Pain points / challenge:

implementing a comprehensive technical optimization strategy focused on caching mechanisms and database load reduction

Business Challenge

Group 1000001362

Our client came to us with a need for AWS cost optimization. Spending more than $12,000 a month, Optimal Blue was drowning in AWS expenses. The reasons for this were high database and server loads, particularly CPU use. This financial strain was unsustainable. They needed a solution to reduce AWS costs and boost efficiency, fast

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Dmytro Romaniuk


Group 1000001362

We focused on reducing database loads and optimizing server performance. Our team provided a complex solution, that included:

  • Database load reduction. We implemented efficient caching mechanisms and optimized database queries to reduce load.
  • Server performance optimization. Our specialists utilized Angular for front-end development and leveraged Java with Spring for back-end services. They also managed databases with MS SQL.
  • AWS cloud cost management. The OmiSoft team strategically chose the tech stack for AWS cloud cost optimization, which led to the lowering of AWS expenses to $2,000-$3,000 per month.

Tech Stack used





microsoft-sql-server-1 1


Business Results

AWS expenses dropped from over $12,000 to around $2,000-$3,000 per month. Lower CPU usage and reduced database loads made the system faster and more responsive. With a more manageable cost structure, Optimal Blue can now focus on innovation and growth. Overall, the client enjoys better performance and long-term stability.

Group 1000001362


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