Bespoke CRM
Development for
Digital Marketing Agency


- 79 %

data processing time

3.5 x

reduced number of errors

1 week

starting time

20 %

time is saved for the team

Project Overview


Industry: Technology Services

Client Location: spain Spain


Developing custom CRM solutions that streamlined the data extraction process from the complex Adobe CRM system. Our solution significantly enhanced the efficiency and accuracy of retrieving essential metrics, providing the client with a more intuitive and effective tool for generating client reports.

Pain points / challenge:

Inefficiently extracting and managing essential data from the Adobe CRM system hence operational inefficiencies and delays in generating accurate and timely client reports. Their initial attempt at an in-house solution fell short, prompting them to seek professional assistance from a custom CRM software development company.

Services used:

Business Challenge


Main Challenge

The client, a digital marketing agency, approached us with a challenge related to the management of client data and reporting. With a diverse clientele and numerous campaigns underway, the agency found it increasingly bulky to extract essential data from the Adobe CRM system for each client.


The process of retrieving and organizing this data was time-consuming and often resulted in delays in generating reports for their clients. This inefficiency not only impacted the agency’s operational efficiency but also raised concerns about the accuracy and timeliness of the information presented to their clients.

Inefficient In-House Solution

To address this challenge, the client had initially attempted an in-house solution by developing a product. This product aimed to streamline the data extraction process, grouping relevant information and presenting it in a format that eliminated unnecessary steps. However, despite their efforts, the client found that their in-house solution fell short of achieving the desired level of efficiency and seamlessness. Recognizing the critical need for a robust and effective system, the client sought our CRM system development services to enhance their existing product or explore alternative solutions that could better integrate with the Adobe CRM system, ultimately improving their data retrieval and reporting processes.

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In the beginning

Our team addressed the client’s challenges by delivering a comprehensive solution that streamlined the data extraction process from the complex Adobe CRM system. Recognizing the intricacies not only in the user interface (UI) but also in the application programming interface (API) of Adobe, our team developed a tailored solution to overcome these hurdles. We implemented a user-friendly interface that simplified the interaction with the CRM system, making it more intuitive and efficient for the client to access and retrieve the necessary metrics.

API Integration

Our solution also involved enhancing the API integration, ensuring seamless communication between the client’s system and Adobe CRM. By optimizing the API, we facilitated a smoother data exchange, reducing the previous difficulties in locating and extracting specific metrics. Through careful analysis of the client’s requirements and pain points, our team successfully provided a customized system that not only improved the overall user experience but also significantly increased the speed and accuracy of data retrieval from the Adobe CRM system. As a result, the client gained a more efficient and reliable tool for generating client reports, ultimately enhancing their operational capabilities and client satisfaction.

Tech Stack used




AWS Services

nodejs 2


Adobe API

Adobe API

Business Results

With our custom CRM software development, the client witnessed remarkable improvements in their business operations. The time spent on locating crucial information was significantly reduced, resulting in a staggering 79% decrease in data processing time. These efficiency gains not only allowed the client to expedite their workflow but also contributed to a more agile and responsive approach to client reporting.
Moreover, the solution’s impact was evident in the substantial reduction in errors. The client experienced a notable 3.5 times decrease in the number of errors, showcasing the enhanced accuracy and reliability of the data extraction and reporting processes. This improvement not only saved valuable resources previously spent on error correction but also bolstered the client’s confidence in the integrity of the information presented to their clients. In summary, our solution not only optimized the client’s data retrieval and reporting processes but also delivered tangible results in terms of time efficiency and error reduction, ultimately contributing to a more streamlined and effective digital marketing operation.



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